Neuronal impacts

The potential impacts of bottle-feeding an infant, on the life of that child, may be negligible or severe.  If that child is female and goes on to have children of her own the consequences may become more severe in that successor generation.

There is an undeniable link between atopic diseases and mental state, and especially depression.

In the children born to an atopic mother there is a greater likelihood that they may display the symptoms of autism and that they each do everything possible to stay on a diet that reinforces their autism.  Autistic children become dependent upon the foods that cause their autism through the action of cortisone from their own adrenal glands.  In adaptive allergies the adrenal glands secrete higher amounts of cortisone to prevent tissue damage from the immune reactions that allergenic foods can induce.  This raised cortisone level induces a sense of euphoria by its action on the brain.  When the allergenic food is not eaten for some time the cortisone level falls below normal and feelings of disquiet replace the euphoria.  In this, now anxious, state the person becomes agitated and returns to eating the foodstuff that first induced the euphoric state.  With this new challenge the level of cortisone again rises and induces a renewed sense of euphoria.  This cycle exerts a strong tendency of addiction to allergenic foodstuffs and serves to trap those with autism in that mental state.

The same addictive cycle keeps asthmatic patients dependent on dairy products and ensures that they choose to remain as asthmatics, rather than drop dairy products and other foods of bovine origin from their diet.  With medication, this leads to cortisone dependency, in addition to dairy food dependency.  Breaking both cycles of dependency is very challenging.

Other examples of neuronal damage include multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. The latter probably resulting from damage to the brain’s finer blood vessels through a process similar to atherosclerosis or from direct destruction of functional neurones by some immune system component; likely to be an antigen/antibody complex.